Participation Conditions

Participation in the European School Music Prize is subject to the conditions set out in the following. Registration for the competition must be done through a teacher, whose name is given to the organiser (SOMM - Society Of Music Merchants e.V.). By submitting the application documents and a declaration of agreement the participants accept the following conditions for participation. Participation in the ESP is voluntary.

A video documentary is part of the application documents and serves as the basis for the scoring. The Organiser intends and plans to publish the winning videos and corresponding short presentation online, thereby making them accessible to the public. 

Videos featuring students who are not yet 18 years of age may only be submitted with an explicit permission to participate signed by their legal guardians. This permission remains with the responsible teacher or the school administration, and shall be submitted, in writing, to the organiser of the European School Music Prize upon request.

The European School Music Prize is open to teachers and their students who fulfil the rules and conditions for participation. Entries showing examples for music instruction in classrooms or work groups, can be entered for the competition. They should revolve around active music making and working with music instruments. 

All entries that were produced during the current academic year qualify for evaluation in the respective competition categories. Applications for the various categories of the European School Music Prize must be comprised of 1) the video documentary of the school class or study group and 2) the correctly completed online application form in accordance with these rules and regulations. If there is doubt regarding the allocation of a class or study group to a category, the jury shall decide.

Each participating school may only submit one entry per ongoing competition.

All schools are eligible to receive a prize, irrespective of the type of school. 

The following pointers serve to facilitate the application process for the European School Music Prize. If you have questions regarding your application, or technical problems, please get in touch with the Organiser. By submitting an application, you automatically agree with the categories, guidelines for awarding the prizes, and selection procedure.

Applications for the European School Music Prize must be submitted online at The application documents include: 

  • the completed online application form,
  • a video documentation with maximum length of five minutes, in which the working methods/approach and work results, incl. declarations and short statements of participating students, are presented (insert a YouTube link OR upload a video with the maximum of 50 MB, ideal formats: AVI, MP4, MOV, WMV, FLV, SWF, MPG, MPEG) and
  • the declaration of consent by the school principal.

The online application is limited in time, and only possible within the set period at The application deadline for the current competition can be found at the schedule overview.

Each entry requires the online application form with complete information. Insufficiently, incomplete, or not legibly identified and not assignable application forms and video documentations cannot be considered. Extended deadlines will not be allowed.

In addition, the participation conditions must be read and accepted. 

As soon as you submit the online application form, you will receive an automated registration confirmation. We look forward to your application for the European School Music Prize.

Participation in the European School Music Prize (ESP) is voluntary. Nonparticipation does not incur any disadvantages. 

Your trust in our proper treatment of your information and protection of your privacy is an important prerequisite for the success of the awards presentation. Your information will be collected, processed and used only in accordance with all applicable data security provisions. All necessary measures will be taken to ensure compliance.

The evaluation process is strictly confidential. Your personal information is used only for purposes of evaluation and administration and not disclosed or forwarded to third parties in personalised form. Nor will the email addresses of participants be disclosed to third parties – they are used exclusively for communications in connection with the European School Music Prize (ESP).

Granting of rights by the participants 
Participants grant SOMM – The Society Of Music Merchants e. V. and its partners the irrevocable right to use the videos submitted as part of the European School Music Prize free of charge, and with no temporal or spatial restrictions attached. 

In particular, participants grant them the right to make the entries accessible to the public, to edit them and to disseminate or publicly screen them as part of a video summary.

The participants agree that they shall exempt the Organiser from any liability arising from an infringement of third-party rights by the submitted entries. 

The participants represent to the organiser that they are the originator of the submitted entries. 

If the entries depict people who are identifiable and who are not public figures, not appearing as accessories in the background, or as part of a picture of gatherings, public processions and similar activities in which the depicted people took part (§ 23 KUG), they must agree to its use.  

The participants ensure the organizer that they have obtained all rights and agreements from any such third parties, and exempt the organizer from any claims based on rights infringement as defined by the KUG.

The participants further assure the organizer that they have used no copyrighted materials in creating their entries, and that they have obtained the necessary permission from the rights owners. This applies in particular for photographs, graphics and music pieces owned by third parties. Obtaining the required right of use in this respect is responsibility solely of the participants. They ensure the organizer that the rights resting with the creator as well as his/her publisher have been obtained, besides a license by the collecting societies, as far as these are required for the use of the third party's work. In this regard apply, for instance, the film creation rights, i.e., the rights for using a musical work within a film (also known as "Synchronization Rights"), as well as the right to edit or alter the work, if applicable.

The participants confirm and assure the organizer that they are in possession of all the above-listed rights, and that they grant them to the organizer without infringing on third-party rights. Upon request, the respective licenses and/or permissions shall be presented and proven to the organizer in writing.

Exclusion of entries 
Entries are excluded from participation in the competition if,

  • they do not meet the formal criteria set out in these conditions for participation,
  • they are not created by the participants themselves,
  • their content is taken entirely or in part from the  copyrighted works of other authors without the latter’s approval, or infringes on third-party rights in any other way,
  • they include defamatory, offensive,  acist, sexist or hate-mongering content, infringe on third-party rights or do not meet the criteria of these conditions for participation.

The organiser reserves the right to change the timing and/or timeline of the European School Music Prize. The laws of the Federal Republic of Germany shall apply. Should one of these provisions prove or become invalid, the other provisions remain unchanged by this. Any recourse to courts of law is excluded.

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