
The following pointers serve to facilitate the application process for the European School Music Prize. If you have questions regarding your application, or technical problems, please get in touch with the Organiser. 

By submitting an application, you automatically agree with the categories, guidelines for awarding the prizes, and selection procedure.

Applications for the European School Music Prize must be submitted online at The application documents include: 

  • the completed online application form,
  • a video documentation with maximum length of five minutes, in which the working methods/approach and work results, incl. declarations and short statements of participating students, are presented (insert a YouTube link OR upload a video with the maximum of 50 MB, ideal formats: AVI, MP4, MOV, WMV, FLV, SWF, MPG, MPEG) and
  • the declaration of consent by the school principal.

The online application is limited in time, and only possible within the set period at The application deadline for the current competition can be found at the schedule overview.

Each entry requires the online application form with complete information. Insufficiently, incomplete, or not legibly identified and not assignable application forms and video documentations cannot be considered. Extended deadlines will not be allowed.

In addition, the participation conditions must be read and accepted. 

As soon as you submit the online application form, you will receive an automated registration confirmation. We look forward to your application for the European School Music Prize.


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