Judging Panel

The winners of the European School Music Prize will be selected by an expert judging panel composed by senior representatives from the field of music education. 

The judging panel will select the respective winners of each category from the entries submitted. The jury is authorised to split the prize money of a given category or to not award a prize, at their discretion.

The judges' decision is definitive and unassailable.

Exclusion of legal proceedings
The judging panel’s decisions are final. There is no legal entitlement to consideration in the selection procedure or to the announced prizes. Unless otherwise explicitly described, the conditions set out in the participation conditions apply.

Andreas Rubisch 
Management of the Projects „JeKi-Hessen“ and „Cooperation of General Education Schools and Music Schools”
Continuing education and training for teachers, among others for the Teacher Training Office Hessen

The Judges (since 2011)

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Pfeiffer
- Chairman of the Judging Panel -
Professor für Musikpädagogik an der Philosophischen Fakultät der Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Initiator des Projekts „klasse.im.puls"
Chairman of BMU Landesverband Bayern e. V.

Dr. Georg Biegholdt 
Research associate at the Institute of Primary Education, University of Leipzig 
Chairman of BMU Landesverband Sachsen e. V.

Evelyn Beißel 
Specialized Manager and Project Manager at the State Secondary School Naila: Setup of the model “Musische Realschule” (“Musical Secondary School”)
MB-Specialized Associate for Music at the Secondary Schools of Oberfranken
Vice chairman of Bundesverband Musikunterricht (BMU) e. V.


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