ESP 2016 winners

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
dear ESP participants, 

as a promoter of culture and education, the SOMM – Society Of Music Merchants e.V. deeply regrets that the European School Music Prize could not be awarded in 2016. The reasons for this were little innovative methods and/or insufficiently documented methodical work with pupils. Therefore, the jury has decided not to award any prize to schools in the year 2016. Given the fact that, in the last submission period, no application met the list of criteria, the regulations and participation conditions will be reviewed and, if necessary, revised so as to make the basic requirements for an awarding better understandable to all participants. 

The aim of the European School Music Prize is, among others, to document methodical and creative work with musical instruments in a lasting manner. For this, it is indispensable that the work and learning processes be comprehensibly recorded in the video documentations. For instance, it is not only about presenting what has been learned in a school performance or the like. It is rather about showing and documenting how pupils are introduced to the active music making with instruments and how they get enthusiastic about making music. We collect these methods in our database and make them publicly accessible at the "Idea Pool" (link) on the ESP website, so as to put them freely at the disposal of other teachers as comprehensible work and teaching aids. 

As the organizer of the European School Music Prize and promoter of the musical education, it is very important to us to continue presenting the competition, which has established itself within the educational institutions in the last years, in a credible and transparent way and at a high level. Since the prize money of the ESP 2016 was not awarded, we have decided to invest these funds in an integration project; the funds will be allocated for the installation of a project office.

Daniel Knöll (Managing Direction SOMM e.V.)


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